Consumer Price Indices, February 2024

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Data on consumer price indexes were published in the Official Gazette of the RS No. 32, of April 12, 2024. The consumer price indexes measure changes in the prices of products and services that households purchase to meet their needs, and are also used as a measure of inflation.

Consumer price in March 2024 compared to February 2024 are higher by 0.3%, while compared to December 2023, they are higher by 1.1%.

Consumer prices in March 2024 compared to the same month of the previous year are increased by 5.0%. Price increases were recorded for:

  • Communications (postal, telephone and other services), health (medicines and medical services), restaurants and hotels, alcoholic beverages and tobacco,
  • Transport, apartment equipment and ongoing maintenance, housing, water, electricity, gas, other fuels and education.
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