National Anti-Corruption Strategy for the period 2024 – 2028

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The Government of the Republic of Serbia has adopted the National Anti-Corruption Strategy for the period from 2024 to 2028 (“Strategy”), recognizing the need for a systematic and comprehensive approach to preventing and combating corruption.

The first National Anti-Corruption Strategy in Serbia was adopted in 2005. Since then, several additional documents and operational plans have been adopted, contributing to the formation of a comprehensive anti-corruption policy. The latest Strategy continues this tradition, providing a framework for the further development and implementation of anti-corruption measures.

The Strategy includes the identification of high-risk areas, such as the police, healthcare, education, local government, construction, political activity financing, taxes and customs, public procurement, privatization, and public enterprises. Additionally, the protection of whistleblowers and lobbying are included within these high-risk sectors.

One of the key goals of the National Strategy is to contribute to meeting the 14 interim benchmarks for Chapter 23 – Judiciary and Fundamental Rights, which is part of Serbia’s negotiation process with the European Union. The Strategy envisages the preparation of a needs analysis for amending and supplementing the Law on the Organization and Jurisdiction of State Authorities in Combating Organized Crime, Terrorism, and Corruption. This includes improving investigation results, prosecuting corruption-related offenses, increasing the number of convictions, and confiscating assets acquired through corrupt activities.

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