Map of the Register of Measures and Incentives for Regional Development (RegMPRR Map)

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On October 10, 2024, the Serbian Business Registers Agency (APR) published the Map of the Register of Measures and Incentives for Regional Development (RegMPRR Map), which contains key data on the current level of development, including state investments, economic development, and economic potentials, incorporating semi-annual data for 2024.

The RegMPRR Map is an integral part of the broader Register of Measures and Incentives for Regional Development (RegMPRR), maintained by the APR. In addition to the Map, this Register includes two additional databases – the Register Database and the Map Database. The Map allows investors to thoroughly assess the achieved economic development in a selected territory for investment, as well as the development potentials of that territory, such as its size, population, and the qualification structure of the unemployed.

The content of the RegMPRR Map includes aggregate data for four administrative levels – the Republic of Serbia, regions, districts, and municipalities. These data can be searched based on selected criteria within a four-year period, with fourteen criteria available for selection, depending on the area of interest. The Map shows that in the first half of 2024, incentive funds in the amount of 126.8 billion dinars were allocated, representing an increase of 75.5% compared to the same period of the previous year, with the largest portion directed towards businesses – companies and entrepreneurs.

The majority of investments were aimed at supporting agriculture and production, energy and transportation infrastructure, education, science, culture and sports, and environmental protection.


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