The Amendments to the Excise Tax Law („Official Gazette of the RS“ no. 93/2012)

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The National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia adopted the Proposal for the Amendments to the Excise Tax Law on the Ninth Extraordinary Session which was published in the “Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia” no. 93 from September 28, 2012. The Law came into force on October 1, 2012, except the provisions regarding the excise tax discount for motor fuel used for agricultural purposes and obligation of keeping an inventory list of cigarettes stock during the changes in the excise rate, including the changes in minimal excise rate, which came into force on January 1, 2013.

The Amendments to the Excise Tax Law introduce novelty in order to harmonize the excise policy with legislation and standards of the European Union and to provide more stable inflow of funds in budget from excise taxation of oil derivates, cigarettes and coffee.

Also, innovations are introduced in respect of extension of the object of the excise taxation on oil derivates and excise tax discount on oil derivates.

The manner of excise taxation on coffee and the amount of the specific excise rate on cigarettes is amended from October 1, 2012.

Furthermore, it is stipulated that the next harmonization of the RSD amount of the excise taxation on oil derivates (including the amount for the excise tax discount), cigarettes and coffee shall be in January 2014 with consumer price index in 2013.

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