Izdavanjem obveznica, koje predstavljaju dužničke hartije od vrednosti, privredno društvo pribavlja dodatna sredstva za kreditiranje svog poslovanja. Korporativne obveznice u novijoj praksi finansijskog tržišta u Srbiji nisu imale značaniju primenu, dok zamenljive korporativne obveznice do sada ni jednom nisu izdate,
I IZDAVANJE I PONIŠTAJ AKCIJA U POSTUPKU REORGANIZACIJE Status akcija u stečajnom postupku je specifičan i može se posmatrati sa nekoliko aspekata i to kao prodaja akcija stečajnog dužnika koje predstavljaju imovinu stečajnog dužnika i izdavanje i poništaj akcija u
On February 20, 2015, the Seventh Extraordinary Session of the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia adopted the Amendments to the Law on Fire Protection (“Official Gazette of the RS”, No . 20/2015, hereinafter the “Law”) which came into
Inicijalna javna ponuda je prvo emitovanje akcija jednog privrednog društva, odnosno način prikupljanja kapitala putem izdavanja akcija javnim putem. Osnovni motiv za emitovanje akcija jeste prikupljanje dodatnog kapitala radi sprovođenja ideje rasta kompanije i snižavanje nivoa zaduženosti. Proces IPO je
National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia has passed on December 12, 2014 at the session of the Sixth Extraordinary Assembly in 2015, the Law on Amendments to the Law on Navigation and Ports on Inland Waters (“Off. Gazette of
The National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia on the session of the Second Extraordinary Assembly in 2015 held on January 21, 2015 has passed The Law on Amendments of the Law The Law on Public Notaries, The Law on
The Assembly of the City of Belgrade has, on general meeting held on December 30, 2014, based on the Article 87 of the Law on Environmental Protection („Official Gazette of RS“, no. 135/04, 36/09, 72/09 and 43/11 – Decision of
The National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia on the Ninth Session of the Second Regular Assembly in 2014. held on 08.12.2014. passed The Law on Amendments of the Law on Planning and Construction, published on 09.12.2014. in Official Gazette
Law on Payment Services Law on Amendments to the Law on Foreign Exchange Operations Law on Amendments to the Law on Protection of Financial Services Users The National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia has published draft Law on Payment
General Assembly of the Republic of Serbia passed The Law on Employment of Foreigners on 25.11.2014., on the Eighth Session of the Second Regular Assembly in 2014. („Official Gazette RS’’ no. 128/14, hereinafter: „The Law“) entered into force and being
The Ministry of Labor, Employment, Veteran and Social Affairs has adopted the Rulebook on Content of Calculation of Salary and Remuneration of Salary („Official Gazette of the Rs“, no.90/2014, hereinafter: „the Rulebook“) which has entered into force and became applicable
General Assembly of the Republic of Serbia passed the The Law on Public Information and Media, The Law on Electronic Media and The Law on Public Service Media on 02.08.2014., published in „Official Gazette RS’’ no. 83/14, entered into force