Bearing in mind that e-commerce business is constantly increasing, both in terms of the number of market participants and in the regulations governing this area, especially now that due to the problem of spreading the COVID-19 virus infection, certain regulations
Ministry of Labour, Employment, Veterans` and Social Affairs (hereinafter: „Ministry“) has provided a detailed explanation regarding the rights and obligations of employees and employers during the state of emergency caused by the coronavirus in the Republic of Serbia. Organization of
1. Decree on Organizing Work during State of Emergency (“Official Gazette of RS” No. 31/2020) Pursuant to Article 200, paragraph 6 of the Constitution of the Republic of Serbia(“Off gazette of RS”, no 98/2006), on March 16th, 2020, the Government,
The National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia adopted the new Law on Public Procurement (“Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia”, No. 91/2019, hereinafter referred to as “the Law”), at the Ninth sitting of the Second ordinary session, on
In accordance with the Law on Accounting (“Official Gazette RS” no. 73/2019) and Rulebook on the Methods and Terms of the Inventory and Synchronization with the Actual State („Official Gazette RS” no.118/2013 and 137/2014, hereinafter: the “Rulebook”), companies are obliged
The National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia has rendered on the sitting of the Sixteenth extraordinary session, on September 17, 2019 the Law on Amendments to the Law on Copyright and Related Rights and the Law on Amendments to
Rulebook on the Content of the Mortgage Registry on Movable Property and Rights and Documentation Required for Registration (“Official Gazette of the RS” 71/2019 – hereinafter: ,,the Rulebook“), which entered into force on 12th of October, 2019, is harmonized with
At the fourth session of the First Regular Session in 2019, on April 25, 2019, the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia adopted the Law on Changes and Amendments to the Law on Pledge Law on Movable Matters registered
The Government of the Republic of Serbia has adopted the Regulation on determining the criteria for granting the incentives with a view to attracting foreign direct investments (hereinafter: „the Regulation“) at a session held on January 10th, 2019, which enters
As of October 1st, 2018, when the amendments of the Company Law entered into Force, prescribing obligations of companies regarding electronic business. Namely, companies must have electronic address. These amendments have the purpose of increasing eficiency and security in business
At the Fifth Session of the First Regular Session in 2018, the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia adopted the Law on the Central Record of Real Owners published in the Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia no.
The National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia has rendered on the sitting of the Sixths extraordinary session, on June 8, 2018 the Law on Amendments to the Company Law,published in the “Official Gazette of the RS” no.44/2018 (hereinafter: the