The National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia has rendered on the sitting of the Sixths extraordinary session, on June 8, 2018 the Law on Amendments to the Company Law,published in the “Official Gazette of the RS” no.44/2018 (hereinafter: the
The European Union (hereinafter: “EU”) has rendered on October 1995 the Data Protection Directive in order of creating necessary conditions for processing and transfer of personal data, and on April 2016 rendered the new General Data Protection Regulation that becomes
The National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia has rendered, on December 14 2017,at the Fifth Sittingof the Second Regular Session in 2017 the Law on Amendments to the Law on Bankruptcy (“Official Gazette of RS” no.113/2017,hereinafter: ,,Law”) which is
The National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia, on December 14, 2017, at the Fifth Sitting ofthe Second Regular Session in 2017 adopted a set of budget, tax, financial and other laws and among others: • The Law onAmendments to
REZIME: Zaštita prava manjinskih akcionara je važna tema korporativnog upravljanja i regulative kompanijskog prava, koja ima nadnacionalni značaj. Da bi se pružila zaštita manjinskim akcionarima, potrebno je razumeti i definisati pojam manjinskih akcionara, kao i mehanizme uspostavljanja balansa između većine
The Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Serbia adopted the Rulebook on the Form, Content and Manner of Keeping Records of Value-added Tax (VAT) and the Form and Content of the Review of Value-added Tax Calculation(“Official Gazette of RS”,
The National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia has adopted at the First Session of the Second regular meeting, held on October 17th, 2017, the Law on Electronic Document, Electronic Identification and Entrusted Services in Electronic Business (“Official Gazette of
Rulebook on Preliminary and Periodic Medical Examinations for Employees at High-risk Workplaces (“Official Gazette of the RS” no. 120/2007, 93/2008 and 53/2017) In accordance with Article 43, paragraph 2 of the Law on Safety and Health at Work (“Official Gazette
The National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia has rendered on the sitting of the Seventh extraordinary session in 2016, on February 2016, the Law on General Administrative Proceeding („Official Gazette of the RS“, no. 18/2016, hereinafter: the „Law“) which
National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia adopted the Law on Amendments of the Customs Law (“Off. Gazette of RS”, no. 108/2016 – hereinafter the “Law”), at its Seventh Sitting of the Second Regular Session in 2016, on December 28,
On December 28th, 2016, on the seventh sitting of the Second Regular Session in 2016, the National Assembly of the Republic Serbia, adopted: • the Law on Amendments to the Law on Capital Market (“Official Gazette of RS”, no. 108/2016,
According to Article 41a, paragraph 2 of the Law on Public-Private Partnership and Concessions (“Off. Gazette of RS”, No. 88/11, 15/16 and 104/16), the Government of the Republic of Serbia adopted the Decree on the Manner of Granting Concessions in