Regulatory Authority for Electronic Media (REM) Adopted a Set of Media Regulations

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In the Official Gazette No. 43 dated May 10, 2024, a set of Regulations adopted based on the Law on Electronic Media, issued by the Council of the Regulatory Authority for Electronic Media, was published, replacing the previously valid by-laws regulating the conditions and manner of providing media services.

Thus, the Rulebook on the Protection of Human Rights in the Provision of Media Services and the Rulebook on the Protection of the Rights of Minors in the Provision of Media Services were adopted, which include certain (minor) clarifications and amendments. The new Rulebook on the Conditions and Criteria for Issuing a License for the Provision of Media Services and the Rulebook on the Conditions and Criteria for Issuing Approval for the Provision of On-Demand Media Services replaced the previous four valid Rulebooks that regulated the mentioned matters – specifically, two Rulebooks from 2015 that regulated the conditions for issuing approval for the provision of on-demand and based on a public competition media services, and two Rulebooks from 2016 that specifically regulated the technical and organizational conditions for the provision of media services.

Additionally, a new Rulebook on the Manner of Forming a List of the Most Important Events of Special Significance for All Citizens and Exercising the Right to Access Events of Great Public Interest was adopted. This Rulebook mandates that national television service providers, if not interested in broadcasting events of special significance, must inform the Regulator (Regulatory Authority for Electronic Media – REM) in writing no later than 15 days before the event is broadcast. On the other hand, it allows television service providers who do not meet the prescribed conditions and do not have a national frequency but are interested in broadcasting the most important events of special significance to submit a written request to the Regulator for prior approval to broadcast such events.

Finally, the new Rulebook on the Procedure for Issuing Approval for the Transfer of a License for the Provision of Media Services and Acting Upon Notification of a Change in Ownership Structure specifies that the Regulator gives consent to any planned change in the ownership structure in the capital of license holders to protect media pluralism. It also stipulates that if a license holder changes its ownership structure without prior approval from the Regulator, the Regulator will initiate appropriate procedures before the competent authorities and/or start an examination procedure for violating the obligation arising from the conditions stated in the license or approval for the provision of media services, in accordance with the Law on Electronic Media.

All the aforementioned Rulebooks will come into effect on May 18, 2024.

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