Agency for Business Registers published 2023 Bulletin of Financial Statements

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Agency for Business Registers of the Republic of Serbia has published the Annual Bulletin of Financial Statements for 2023, providing insights into the operations of legal entities and entrepreneurs in the country. The report highlights key economic and business trends over the year, noting improvements despite complex macroeconomic and geopolitical challenges.

As of the end of 2023, there were 136,602 business entities operating in Serbia, of which 113,714 submitted regular annual financial reports to the Agency for Business Registers. The analysis covered 110,808 entities, employing a total of 1,307,587 people.

Business activity saw growth with total revenues of 18,671,237 million dinars and expenses of 17,496,117 million dinars, representing increases of 2.9% and 2.3%, respectively, compared to the previous year. The net profit of the economy amounted to 972,446 million dinars, a growth of 12.3%.

A positive net result was particularly noted in wholesale and retail trade, manufacturing, electricity, gas and steam supply, construction, which saw a growth of 21.4%, and information and communications, which saw a growth of 57.7%.

Large systems and small enterprises recorded profit growth, while on the other hand, micro-enterprises experienced a decline in net results. The Belgrade region dominated with over half of the total economic profit, along with employment growth, while other regions, such as Vojvodina, Southern and Eastern Serbia, as well as Šumadija and Western Serbia, recorded smaller positive results.

Entrepreneurs saw a net result growth of 13.8%, and non-profit institutions recorded revenues 2.5 times greater than expenses compared to the previous year.


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