Strategy for Development of Artificial Intelligence in the RS for 2024 – 2030

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The Government of the Republic of Serbia has announced the new Strategy for the Development of Artificial Intelligence in the Republic of Serbia for the period 2024 – 2030 (the “Strategy“), which focuses on enhancing the economy and society through the application of artificial intelligence (AI), while regulating ethical aspects and minimizing the possibility of abuse. The document lays the foundation for further advancement in the fields of education, science, economy, public services, and security.

The Strategy is in accordance with Serbian legislation, including the Personal Data Protection Act, the Basic Education System Act, the Dual Education Act, the Higher Education Act, the Science and Research Act, the Innovation Activities Act, the Information Security Act, and other relevant laws. The legal framework ensures the safe, ethical, and legally compliant development of AI.

Serbia had already adopted a strategy for the development of AI in 2019, setting the groundwork for the integration of AI into education, science, the economy, and public services. Institutes, technological parks, and cooperation with international partners play a key role in further development. Infrastructure, such as the State Data Centre and the National AI Platform, facilitates the storage and processing of large volumes of data, which is crucial for AI development.

The new Strategy sets goals for the continued development of AI in Serbia, aligning with global trends and the needs of the domestic economy and society. Priorities include enhancing education, fostering innovation, applying AI in public services, and ensuring the ethical use of AI. The goal is for Serbia to become a regional leader in AI, creating an encouraging environment for innovation and attracting investment.

The Strategy represents a comprehensive approach to the development of artificial intelligence in Serbia, relying on existing resources and infrastructure, with a focus on continuous progress and adaptation to global standards. For the implementation of the Strategy, action plans are being prepared for a three-year period, while the Ministry is responsible for coordinating and monitoring the implementation of the Strategy. The adoption of the Artificial Intelligence Act, which will definitively regulate its legal framework and provide a comprehensive overview of all aspects of AI, is expected soon.

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