Regulations on content, issuance and management of travel orders and record of issued travel orders (“official gazette of the republic of Serbia” no. 20/96 and 32/2010)

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Based on a provision of the Road Traffic Transport Law (“Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia” No. 46/95…62/06), Infrastructure Minister passed Regulations on Amendments to the Regulations on content, issuance and management of travel orders and record of issued travel orders (hereinafter “Regulations”) which comes into force on May 22th, 2010.

The purpose for passing these Regulations is to decrease duties and costs of vehicle owners, and especially costs of owners who need to employ other legal entity or entrepreneur who can with his technical and staff capabilities perform the above named examination of proper operation of vehicle.

Travel order is now issued for one or several modes of transport and can be used until complete fulfilling of travel order with data, but no longer than 30 days. This means that travel order now has to be signed and certified every 30 days and not every 7 days.

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